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Thoughts for the Day!

Tinisha Bell

The Heart of Worship is Surrender:

Give yourself to God, surrender your whole being into him to be used for righteous purposes.”

~Romans 6:13

Offering yourself to God is what worship is all about. So, then my friends as it says in the bible; Romans 12:1 Because of Gods great mercy, we are to continually offer ourselves as a living sacrifice and dedicate ourselves to his service and to pleasing him. This is the true worship that we should be offering daily. We must ask God to search our hearts, to become steadfast, not tossed to and fro, with waves of emotion. We must choose to have a heart that seeks and worships Him, a heart strengthened by His word.

Real worship is rooted in the living word (The BIBLE). Yet we are not to offer the Lord sacrifices that cost us nothing. Such as SELF- CENTERDNESS. The best form of worship is the one that authentically comes from the heart and replicates the love you have for God. These people are the souls that our Father is looking for. Simple, and honest with themselves before him in their worship. True worship takes lots of effort and energy. A God pleasing worship is deeply emotional, to the point of using both your heart and our head.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.”

~Mark 12:30

Surrender is not something that is popular in our culture today. It’s also paraphrased as submission, act of defeat, yielding or forfeiting something. We very much dislike the thoughts of submission, as it is negatively engraved in many teachings its unnatural, and unthinkable.   Surrendering will not always feel like the best way to live; However, for your salvation surrendering is the only WAY to live, nothing else will work. Surrendering is giving up what is holding us back from experiencing the love of God. In context of our Heavenly Father surrendering to God is something we must do willingly, without fear, pressure and without force and all within love. God will not make you do anything. That’s right, we must voluntarily surrender ourselves to our Heavenly Father. I can admit that I personally struggle with surrendering everything to the Lord, as it is a working process, and a daily commitment. Because in the end everything in my life is in the will of God, and he has control over all things. I must trust him with my whole heart, and for me to become ready for anything that life throws at me. To achieve this, I must become self-sufficient in Christ. This achievement will only be through him who infuses inner strength. In the end all I want to hear is the words “Well done you good and faithful servant” It’s hard to fully worship God when you’re trying to do things on our own, let alone keep what little control you think you have. When we face our frustrations, limitations and our inability to control, we often react with anger, and resentment. We don’t understand why things we desire are not attainable. It’s all because we make no effort to serve God, let alone surrender everything to him. To genuine surrender is to acknowledge God, that he has your back. It means you are ready to take on problems, pain, sickness, trials, tribulations or journeys because you trust him. Victory Comes through surrender.

“If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.”

~Luke 9:23

What areas in your life are you holding back from GOD? Remember you do not have to start surrendering big things at first. Start with something small, such as listening to vulgar music, R rated movies, maybe it’s something small like cutting your screen time down each day.  But with each thing you slowly surrender make sure you fill that space back up with the Lord. Whether it’s getting involved in some kind of ministry, church activities, picking up a new Godly hobby such as singing, learning an instrument, writing or just something as simple as becoming dedicated in the scriptures. Because remember;

Wherever your treasure is, your heart will be also.”

~Mathew 6:21

The Lords Faithful Servant,


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