Called to a Blessing:
Every good gift and every perfect gift are from above, coming down from the father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
~James 1:17
Though Some Christians live their freedom of faith, liberty is not in the worldwide standards. Today in many parts of the world Christians suffer loss of jobs, family and in some places even their lives, all for professing the Christ as our savior and Lord. We may live n a safe place today for Christians, yet it may be the center of persecution tomorrow. In 1 Peter he speaks of our relationships with those who may not like us, that don’t understand us. Peter gives us advice in wisdom and in dealing with adversities, sufferings and difficult people. He points out the truth of the gospel through encouragement in helping us walk and live it out, s0o that we may receive the blessings from our heavenly father.
“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure, you use it will be measured back to you.”
~Luke 6:38
We must continuously rejoice even through our grief of various trials. Because the genuineness of our faith is more precious than gold. Our faith will be tested by fire so that we can find praise, honor and glory in our heavenly father. Even though we cannot see him, we still seek to love him. Because as Christians we believe that in our belief we can rejoice in an inexpressible joy to the fulfillment of God’s glory. Because we know that in the end our faith will result in the salvation of our souls. Many people will inquire and search carefully for that salvation that has been given to us by the grace of God. Yet in doing so they do not see the revelation of God’s promises, because they lack the true faith and obedience.
“Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober-minded, and set your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
~ 1 Peter 1:13
Peter encourages us to “gird up our lions of our mind,” this verse is stating the example of what we must do to focus our minds, on the things that will allow us to serve God successfully. In full elimination of any thoughts that could and will trip us up. Being sober is for us to primarily use good mentality and spiritual judgement. Doing so will exhibit confidence that God will accomplish everything that he has promised. We must remember that God is both our merciful savior and our holy judge. But he is also the ultimate sacrificial lamb who has offered himself in a representation of his son Jesus, in our place to pay the price for our sins. We are given this blessing through the purification of our souls through obedience to God’s truth.
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.”
~Ephesians 3:20
Our holiness is a blessing, that’s a choice given to us. God has empowered it, but we must make the decision to choose it. Before we responded to Christ in our mess, we would live our lives in fear. But with Christ we are given the blessing to move beyond that fear, because we know that God has graciously given us both forgiveness of the past and strength to live for him now. All in praise that Jesus bought is with his blood. With Jesus dying and paying the price for our sins was a gift and a blessing given to us so that we might glorify and praise him. Holy living is also a blessing given to us for the purpose of us setting- apart ourselves, our past and future and present, which in the end is the most effective way for us to live our lives.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
~Philippians 4:7
The purpose of studying God’s truth is not only to gain more knowledge but to also become more mature in our faith. When we become set apart in God’s building project we will be rejected by men, but we must remember that even through the rejection we are chosen by God and are considered more precious that gold or silver. God has not blessed us to open a chance for people or the devil to choose who will be a part of the unique body of Christ. Instead, God knows his believers and not only transforms them internally but also describes us as being made into a holy priesthood. Believers are given the blessing of becoming a unified group of people who are set apart for Gods purposes. Protecting us who are adopted into his family. We must remember that this earth is not our home we are foreign travelers, training for our entry into our eternal home in heaven. But on earth we need to take up our responsibilities seriously even through condemnation and trials. There is no advantage for successfully enduring undeserved punishments from the world. Except for the great value we get from honoring God with our actions and reactions, when we are unfairly condemned by others. Patience and perseverance in the face of our sufferings please God. As Christians we are meant to focus more on developing our inner character then attempting to make ourselves look appealing outwardly.
“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
~ John 3:17-23
As Christians we are to imitate Jesus. He endured many sufferings and ridicule all in silence. He entrusted his life and purpose to the ultimate judge, our Heavenly Father. God knows everything about us, especially our sufferings. But he does listen, and he will respond to our cries of help. We may at times be falsely accused but we must remember during these times that we need to express rational responses. Do not seek out circumstances that will explicitly bring you suffering. But when it has confronted you make certain when we suffer to continuously be faithful to God. Those who serve God faithfully in the midst of suffering take on a different attitude towards sin, then when we had previously perceived. Sin will no longer hold a grip on you. We have spent enough time in our past sins living in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drunken parties, and abominable idolatries. Even though our past may consist of these sins, when we become born again, they now no longer exist. We are no longer the old man, but a new creation. Many people in your life will think that its strange that you do not run with them anymore, and they will speak evil against you. But it is because they do not give account to the blessings that the Lord has constructed to you and everyone that surrenders themselves, all for the promise of their salvation. In all things suffering, condemnation and blessings we must learn to stay serious and watchful through our prayers, “Love each other fervently,” Peter writes, “because love covers over a multitude of sins.” We can demonstrate this love by truly forgiving the people around us, and then no talking openly about they’re past sins. For love does not stir up sins.
And the Lord said, “Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season?”
~ Luke 12:42
As believers we are given the gift to serve, a stewardship to acknowledge the best interests of the Lord, who gives us this blessing. Through our stewardship do not be astonished by your sufferings. For it is God’s will that when suffering occurs that we do two things:
1. Commit ourselves to him
2. Continue to do good despite everything else.
All in honor to of our faithful Lord and Savior. Because in our immediate trials and sufferings the effects of not doing these two things can steal your energy in a negative way, and you will become spiritual and physically drained. However, I am not stating that doing the right thing for the right reasons will also not become exhausting. It can cause us to feel snappy, touchy, and edgy. We may even become so weary that we begin to argue with the very people we need the most at this time. These are natural feelings, because we live in a body full of sin, yet when we act like this it will increase our sufferings. We must learn to fight supernaturally. Calling on Gods strength to help you keep going, to do good. God will absolutely help you, and he will equip you in spirit filled actions during our sufferings. When we call on the lord, it results on to blessings:
1. You won’t suffer because of doing evil
2. You won’t suffer for being a busy body in other people's matters.
Yet, when we do suffer for other reasons, we know that we can have the strength and loving company of our father on our narrow path to salvation. God will empower us to reject contentions, jealousy, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, and dissensions. His gift of the spirit will empower us to instead gain and choose kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
"As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy."
~James 5:11
Times of suffering is not unusual. What is unusual is being able to choose caring, and loving actions in the midst of our suffering. It's not humanly possible, but what makes it possible is because of God, and the belief that God the son walked this same path before us and doing so in righteousness no matter how unfair the treatment was. God’s biggest blessing of all is giving us the Holy Spirit, so that through the spirit we will be able to see what to do and how to do it through our sufferings. No matter how bad things can get, and yes, we all know how bad life can get, giving into our sins is never the answer. No matter how tired you are, you should not yell at others. No matter how righteously angry you are, you shouldn’t abuse others. No matter how bad your life seems at the time, even threw the temptations and the trials, we must strive to stay away from sin. No, we are not perfect, yes, we will make mistakes and live in our flesh. But let me explain one thing clearly, the devil does not play fair! He is an opportunist predator, ready to pounce on any believer, more so in our difficult times. Satan does not look at us and think, “Well this person has had it tough lately, I think I’m going to give them a break today.” Nope, instead Satan will see your difficult times as an opportunity to attack. The devil is ready and eager to tear hearts and faith to shreds.
“So, we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen”
~2 Corinthians 4:16-18
There are two reasons not to lose heart when we experience attacks.
1. You’re not alone.
We know as Christians that the same experiences in suffering are also experienced by your brotherhood in the world. Many Christians all over the world are fighting the fight of faith against the same common enemy.
2. God gives us all the strength we need.
Through His strength, He gives us his word and the spirit for encouragement and power. He gives us wisdom, knowledge and confidence, and most of all he will always provide a way out. Consequently, for having the attacks from our enemy. God will build us up into a firm foundation that makes us steadfast and immovable. This will be the proof to the world that God is the one in control of all things both in this world and throughout eternity.
They will live in prosperity, and their children will inherit the land.
~Psalms 25:13
We are a very blessed generation. We have the opportunity the opportunity to be in the presence of the lord. If we look at the Lord’s way this verse above in Psalms 25:13 God says that we will dwell in prosperity, lodge in goodness. I believe this is a wonderful place for us to live and be. What about you? Furthermore, we can take this blessed environment wherever we go. It’s not tied to any particular location or circumstance. What this blessing does and what matters the most is in our heart and in our relationship with the Lord. God’s goodness surrounds us wherever we go. If we are paying attention to the lord and obeying his voice whatever way we turn, there will always be a blessing. We could even go into the deepest darkest, meanest place in the world, and we would still be surrounded by God’s circle of blessings.
“As God blesses you, you will multiply, and you will witness an increase in your life. He will not only bless you but will bless your generation”
~Psalm 115:12-14
However, if we disobey him and we no longer disregard God’s direction, we will hit some real troubled things in our lives, and it will get worse and worse and worse. Many people will say that God must have caused that bad thing to happen to you. But let me make something clear and let’s get real for a minute. God does not purposefully cause bad things to happen, its not in his will to do so. Sometimes we make bad choices that cause consequences, and you know what sometimes we must get out of the will of God, all so that we can find him again. We make decisions out of our own free will, a gift that is given to us by God, and sometimes those decisions place ourselves out of God’s territory by being ignorant and disobedient. We then find ourselves in the devil’s territory, which causes us to become vulnerable in our own free will. So, you see GOD IS NOT THE PROBLEM! In fact, God is and will never be the problem. But I guarantee he is surely our answer. People often assume when horrible things happen to them that God’s the one that caused it. Making these assumptions based on “well God is God; he always has his way.” But in reality, if we look at the big picture God doesn’t always have his way in people’s lives. The bible is full of people that God didn’t have his way with. God will ultimately always have his way in his overall plan for earth. But because God gives us free will which again is a gift; he will not force his people to take part in his plans. God will never stop doing what he can to reach us, but if we reject him and go our own way God will allow us to do so. Even though he knows that it may get us into trouble and at times possibly hurt. Then when this happens 95% of people will start pointing their fingers at God stating, “God, why did you let this happen to me?” We need to stop right there. GOD, did not do anything bad to them, do you see now what I’m trying to say? They did it to themselves! Now you might now be thinking well if God is so good, why would he just continue to bless them? Well, lets see probably because God’s goodness prevents him to bless something that’s wrong, even if he does love the person that’s doing wrong.
“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God”
~Deuteronomy 28:1-2
“However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees, I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you”
~Deuteronomy 28:15
God states that if you trust and obey me, you will be blessed, if you don’t you will be cursed. And you best believe God keeps to his word. If God tells you to go one way and you disregard and continue to go the opposite direction things will go bad for you. Because you are placing yourself in the wrong place. You’ve stepped out of the circle of God’s blessings. God is a good God, and he wants you to receive his goodness. But nobody that lives a life of disobedience will ever be blessed. The freedom that we are given to be able to make again is a gift from God. Who would want death and cursing when life and blessings are ours for the choosing. We get to choose our path, but we cannot choose the consequences of the that path. Because the outcome of our choices is already established in God’s book. I can’t stress it enough. We cannot have it both ways. We cannot live for the devil and enjoy the blessings of God as well. We can try but I guarantee you it will never work out the way you think it will. We either will be dedicated to God living in his way, being blessed or we can live like the world overcome by sin and death. We cannot be lukewarm, one foot in the door and one foot out. Is a decision you need to make. One or the other so what are you going to choose?
God’s Faithful Servant,
Tinisha B.