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Thoughts for the day:

Tinisha Bell

Updated: May 3, 2024

It's not about me!

For everything, absolutely everything above and below, visible and invisible, got started in HIM and finds purpose in HIM.

~ Colossians 1:16

You only exist because GOD allows you to exist. You were made by GOD, and for GOD and until we understand that; Life will not make sense.

"Unless you assume GOD, the question of life's purposes is meaningless.

~ Bertrand Russell

If we continue to focus on ourselves, our life's true purpose will never be revealed to us.

Its GOD who directs the lives of his creatures everyone's life is in HIS power.

~Job 12:10

It's as Christians that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of CHRIST and got our hopes up, HE had his eye on us, and designed us for a glorious living, it's all part of his overall purpose. HE is working in everything and everyone.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

~Ephesians 2:10

So, how can we remind ourselves daily that life is about living for GOD and not ourselves?

Start by continuously taking inventory around you. Look at the people, the sky, survey your surroundings, and find his glory in everything. For instance, when you look at people that are hurt, hungry, lost, do you sympathize with them and long to help them? You see this is not just you that wants to help them, But God working through the holy spirit through you. It causes us to empathize with their pain or suffering. It's God way of reaching out through us, to show his mercy, grace and love. To become those people’s light, in their darkness. It's also not about how we feel about our own sufferings. It's about God using our own pain and tribulations as well, to be able to reach out and comfort others.

Therefore, I ask that you do not lose heart at my tribulations, for you which is for your glory.

~Ephesians 3:13

In his service,




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